
This book is not perceived as a novelization of the game or quote pad vovviki. The book itself, and the games - on their own, but it is felt that if Christie Golden has not played in the RTS and MMORPG, or at least consulted with knowledgeable people. The book has everything so well known and remembered by fans of the game - the spread of the plague in Lordaeron (something with which, in general, begins "human" campaign WC III), killing Kel'Thuzad (and his subsequent resurrection in the same Arthas) massacre Stratholme (which is dedicated to a dungeon in WoW. Wrath of the Lich King), the campaign for Frostmourne and "death" Muradin (in himself, he will only come in a few years), killing Arthas his father Terenas and then his mentor Uther the siege buy wow gold and fall of Quel'Danas.
Of course, a lot of space occupied in the fate of Arthas and women, including Jaina Proudmoore and Sylvanas Running downwind. First he loved and they parted. Second, he killed and resurrected, making his handmaiden, which, however, found a way to get rid of his power and become his sworn enemy. For fans of the series will be a good book occasion to remember how it all began and see buy wow gold again, but from a different point, the events already bygone days.

In summary - I liked the novel. So, I downloaded the other novels Christie Pass and has already started to read one of them. She writes better than Knaak and other authors, so I'll wait for her to continue the story of Cataclysm. P.S buy wow gold.
Richard Knaak I still even count. The wife of another trip abroad brought a novel about Malfurion. Since this piece of recent history of Azeroth passed me, then I will have to be found. PPS I was searching on the network of arts collector album WotLK, but never found.

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